J Hoeks
Front-end software engineer. Based in Docklands, Melbourne. React developer with interests in UI/UX and establishing strong development, testing, and documentation practices.
- angleVisualize angles for use in CSS transformations. Can show you angles in degrees, radians, gradians and turns.
- batterySimple device battery status indicator. Shows current battery level as a percentage, charging state, and if the battery is full.
- bezier-curvesVisualize and manipulate cubic Bézier curves. Handy for CSS animations. Has linear and ease in/out/in-out presets.
- blacklist-whitelistCreate regular expressions for blacklisting or whitelisting ASCII characters. More robust than using character literals in regular expressions.
- canvas-arcWhen drawing arcs on the canvas it can be easy to forget where 0 is. This util visualizes the start and end angles of the arc.
- charExplore the unicode character set. Switch characters between different encoding schemes like hexadecimal, CSS, JavaScript and HTML entities.
- chinese-tonesAdd tones to pinyin without a special keyboard. Numbers after letters represent the tone — for example "Wo3" becomes "Wǒ".
- clear-clipboard-formattingIn one click remove all formatting from the text copied to your clipboard. Only paste plain text.
- combinationsGet each possible combination from all given inputs. When given a set of sets, generates a table of all combinations of a single item from each set.
- cursorsLists CSS cursor types. Hover over each for an example of what that cursor looks like in your browser. Test custom cursors, too.
- embiggenMake text BIGGER. Resizes all text entered as you type to make it as big as possible on your screen but still fit.
- file-to-data-urlGenerate a data URL from an image or any other file type. Useful for embedding anywhere an entire file may need to be stored as text.
- flood-gameStart with a grid of random colors. Each click will flood-fill the grid from the top left. Try and make the board one single color.
- global-composite-operationDemonstrates JS canvas composite operations. Lists all the operations with examples for each. Adjust the colors and see how the effect changes.
- grid-backgroundGenerate a CSS grid background with a given size and colors, using SVG. Useful for building applications with transparent backgrounds.
- modesExplore Linux file system modes and permissions. Never again will you need to remember what 0755 means — or how to add sticky bits.
- modifier-keysModifier keys are used for key combinations on different operating systems. Use this tool to remember which is which on macOS and Windows.
- othelloPlay against an AI in the strategy board game Othello, also known as Reversi. Turn all the white disks black to win.
- openerOpen a popup window to a location of your choosing with a given width and height. Useful if you want to take a screenshot just the right size.
- restRest timer for intervals at the gym. Rest for a minute, a minute and a half, or two minutes.
- sizerCheck the inner and outer width and height of a window. Resize your window and see how the values change as you do.
- stopwatchShows the current time and a stopwatch which counts in minutes and seconds. Built in order to easily time long tasks at a glance.
- sunCalculates and charts the angle of the sun in the sky for your current location. When the angle is above 50° UVB radiation provides the body with vitamin D.
- sweeperVery simple game of mine sweeper. Clear away the whole board but don't set off any mines.
- unix-timestampDetermine the date/time represented by a unix timestamp whether it's expressed in seconds, milliseconds, or any other format.